To: Subject: EuroPatent X-Uri: Reply-to: Edward Welbourne To those involved in patent law, It has come to my attention that moves are afoot to extend the laws on patents to embrace various `soft' businesses. I am a software engineer by profession and, in my own time, write and publish web pages on a variety of topics. The proposed extension of patents would impose a significant impediment on my work: indeed, I would argue for a reduction in the scope of patents, not an expansion. When I write a computer program, I analyse my customer's problem and think about ways to solve it. This naturally involves formulating algorithms as I proceed with the work. Since my customers' problems usually suggest solutions, and I have a certain facility finding solutions and designing algorithms, I almost invariably solve problems without reference to external literature. In this I am not unusual, within my profession. Meanwhile, the published literature (or, indeed, just that tiny portion of it consisting of software patents issued in the USA) has grown to such proportions that it would be unrealistic to expect me to read enough of it to be sure of seeing all published material which bears on my work. If I attempted to keep up with the literature, I would have no time left to earn a living: and would need to earn more than I do at present simply to cover the cost of obtaining access to the literature. Meanwhile, as the USA has learned to its cost, software patents would impose a burden of review on the patent office which does not appear, on the face of it, to be faithfully dischargeable. Software is malleable to a degree unparalleled in any other field: ideas prompted by solving problems in one area of the field routinely have valuable applications in others; transposing an idea from one branch of software to another is obvious and far from novel; consequently, a examiner considering an patent application in one field must needs have kept abreast of all branches of software to be sure that the idea is novel and non-obvious. I do not believe that, in practice, an examiner could hope to do this. A large enough team of examiners would be able to read all of the literature: one might then hope that an examiner could rely on her colleagues to advise her on the novelty and obviousness of a given patent application. Likewise, a team of software engineers could share the burden of reading patents and hope to collectively determine whether each algorithm any of them used was infringing. However, in both cases, the hope is vain: the patent examiner or programmer could not reliably notice the questions appropriate to ask of her colleagues, so would in fact have to pass the patent application, or algorithm, around the entire team for review. The cost of reviewing a patent, or my use of an algorithm, would become enormous: each member of the team would have to spend a large proportion of her time discussing what she understands of her share of the literature and reviewing the work of her colleagues; the productivity of the team would be negligible. Even were I to have read all the patents that have been filed, and yet still, somehow, find time to practice my profession, I should be at a loss to know which patents actually cover any particular algorithm I might consider using - or, conversely, to know whether the algorithm I have just thought up was `obvious' or constituted an example of genius on my part. It would appear that the only effective method of determining such matters is to go to court and see who wins: given the advantages available to those who can afford better lawyers, I have trouble distinguishing such a system from a mediaeval `trial by combat'. Surely, the law should enable me to know, before I embark on my labours, whether I may realistically hope to enjoy the fruits thereof ? To be able to practice my profession, in the presence of software patents, I would need to learn patent law (a major disruption to my career: lawyers take half a decade or more in their training and are not fully competent until they have tested their knowledge by fighting law suits for some time) to read all the patents published which *might* impinge on my work (which does not appear to be a feasible project, by any stretch of the imagination) to review each algorithm I write not only for the present criteria (of which correctness and efficiency are relatively easily described to a layman, but by no means the whole story even now) but also for conflict with patents. These would become professional duties - to neglect them would expose me to risks of litigation. Even were I to do these things, I would be exposed to the risk of litigation by someone whose patent I, in good faith, believed I was not infringing; and if they have better lawyers than I can afford I should likely be obliged to pay them licence fees rather than bankrupt myself with the legal fees attendant on fighting the case. Any sizable body of software involves many algorithms, interwoven in many ways; and the interweaving would be as amenable to patenting as the algorithms interwoven, since there is no clear distinction between choosing algorithms and weaving them into a whole. Consequently, it appears likely that the cost of developing even quite a mundane software package would be substantially inflated if the only added cost, due to patents, was the need to license other folks' applicable patents. In fact, of course, the time taken to discover which patents I should licence would ensure that my productivity - and that of every software professional - would plummet. Globally, there is already a shortage of competent software professionals: if legal burdens were to slow us all to a fraction of our present productivity, that shortage would be immensely exacerbated. This would certainly exacerbate the increase in the cost of developing software. My only possible defence against the cost of licensing would be to take out `defensive' patents in hopes of being able to negotiate cross-licensing deals. Even this would be of limited utility: a competitor holding a patent that covers part of my business can effectively exclude me from earning a living; and, in a modest time, one may rely on the industry to become completely controlled by a network of cross-licensed patents. This would amount to a cartel: I believe it is widely accepted that cartels can be relied on to be anti-competitive. In any case, the structure of cross-licensing unavoidably raises an immense barrier to entry which would prevent businesses from moving into the sector; this would undeniably impede competition, regardless of the general arguments. The immense malleability of software would ensure that a patent-holder would be able to claim, without provable bad faith, infringement by a wide variety of software businesses. Each patent-holder would thus be able to hold many businesses to ransom, obliging them either to endure the massive costs of a lawsuit or to pay license fees. The body of law-suits resulting would swamp the courts; each suit would be highly contentious (hence expensive both to fight and to adjudicate); and those of us still able to spend any time writing software would be deprived of any guarantee of being able to reap the just rewards of our labour. As it presently stands, being first to market with a software product generally gives a software producer a major advantage over later competitors, provided the product is well-integrated with widely-available software packages. However, this advantage may be undermined in two very direct ways: first, the packages with which one must integrate may have interfaces protected by licensing restrictions, a peril which would be greatly reinforced by patents; second, someone claiming that my product infringes their patent can (for the duration of the law-suit needed to prove the product does not infringe) prevent me from publishing - thereby keeping me out of the market while others devise competing products, thus robbing me of the natural advantage of being first to market. Thus software patents would destroy competition in the software industry, vastly inflate the cost of software development, significantly reduce the productivity of the profession, deprive the software industry of any security of reward for labour, swamp the courts with an unending tide of expensive cases, deprive innovators of one of their major advantages and be impossible to examine rigorously. The very existence of patents would impede various other business models the innovator might otherwise exploit. If I do some consultancy work for a business and, in the process, come up with a novel and non-obvious idea which expedites that work, I should like to be able to apply the idea equally in subsequent contracts. However, it may safely be supposed that I do not come up with the idea until exposed to the details of the task in hand, by which time I shall have signed a contract with my customer. In the presence of software patents, one may be sure their lawyers have insisted on a clause giving them control over any ideas I have during that work: I shall not be able to exploit that idea in the service of other customers, even though I might confidently say that I would have come up with the idea, had I not taken the first contract, just as soon as I was exposed to the problem in hand. I could refuse to work under any contract which exposed me to this risk: but I would almost certainly thereby limit my available employment disastrously. Having reviewed the principal, and least controversial, costs of software patents, let me now consider the benefits. There would be clear benefits to monopolists and cartels in the software industry: they would be able to exclude newcomers from the industry with even greater ease than at present; indeed, patents would practically force the industry into a cross-licensing network which it would be hard to distinguish from a cartel. But I do not believe we can fairly regard this as a benefit to the public in general, so let us ignore it. There would be clear benefits to patent lawyers - the scope of their business would be vastly increased. First there is the simple matter of adding software to that scope. Second, the cases would involve very large amounts of money, and be very hard to resolve, so patent lawyers could anticipate high rates of pay for such cases. Further, each software patent would potentially apply to many branches of software, greatly expanding the scope for litigation. Indeed, once I had completed my training in patent law and caught up with the corpus of patents issued and prior art published in the interim (professionally necessary, as noted above), the balance of economic incentives would certainly argue that I should practice patent law, specialising in software. If I returned to writing software, I would have no guarantee of being able to earn money by doing so (or, at least, of being able to keep that money once the patent lawyers came to call). On the other hand, I could apply my talents to devising algorithms and, without taking the trouble to implement them in a manner useful to any customer, obtain patents on them. Given my technical skills, I could readily detect anyone subsequently employing `my' algorithms and take them to court. Given my legal training, and the same quick mind that enables me to write good programs, I would have a realistic opportunity of obtaining significant money from those actually providing software for real customers. As for me, so for all the brightest and best in my industry. So there would be a benefit for me: I would make more money (and never make any more software). However, the software industry would die: it would be unable to make any money, and those capable of writing good software would have a more lucrative profession available to us, so the quality of such software as got written would plummet. Again, though some would benefit under this heading, the public in general would plainly lose by it, so we cannot count it. So what of the one benefit I have always respected in patents ? Namely, that when someone has a good idea, and can make more money out of it if they keep it secret, they may well die while no-one else knows that idea; by offering them, for a limited time, control over the use of that idea we are able to give them an economic incentive to publish their idea, so that they shall not take it with them to the grave. I cannot see how this benefit can possibly be said to apply to the case of software patents. The benefit, on the face of it, is void if the inventor can make no money from the idea without putting, in the hands of the public, that which will reveal his idea to his peers. In the case of software, while the inventor may disguise the idea in various ways, he cannot help but place a program in the hands of the public: given enough time, the collective intelligence and ingenuity of the world's software professionals shall discover his idea. Furthermore, in practice, to make any money out of their idea, the innovator must - in the modern business world - share it with their business partners, their employees, their suppliers and, in most cases, their customers: they may contractually bind these parties to secrecy, but they will not take the idea to the grave when they die. [Indeed, it is for this reason I would argue for a *narrowing* of the scope of patent law: for the law to limit the public's freedom to make good use of an innovation - not only to copy it but to extend it and explore variations on it - it must show some benefit to the public arising from this limitation. As I see no certain gain to the public but in the case where the innovation might be lost to the world once the innovator dies, I would argue against the vast majority of modern patents, from which the innovator could not possibly make any money without disclosing it to others.] Now, it is argued that the public gains one other way by patents: namely, that by rewarding innovators we stimulate innovation; it is argued that patents offer researchers some security of gaining a return on the investment they make. Yet in fact patents take away at least as much, under this heading, as they give: when (as often happens) several research groups come upon similar innovations at roughly the same time, only the first group to apply for a patent on its work is able to profit. All others, far from gaining security of return on their investment, are deprived of any return at all, save by grace and favour of the first - who, as their competitor, is not apt to be generous in this matter. The patent-holder undeniably gains by this, but only to the extent that the public and his competitors lose by it. One might argue that, by rewarding the first to publish, we encourage researchers to work faster. Indeed, we do: but we move the target at the same time - the incentive motivates pursuit of those parts of the research which the patent lawyer needs, to draft the means to control the new market, at the expense of research towards producing the best product in that market. The consciencious researcher who holds the needs of the customer foremost in her mind is penalised for the sake of the cynical exploiter of patents, who need not even take the trouble to deliver a service to the public but yet profits by the conscientious researcher's good work. Furthermore, even when only one researcher pursues a theme, once that researcher has obtained a patent on it, other researchers are thereby subject to a major dis-incentive to research enhancements and extensions of that innovation: for they can only profit by such work at the whim of the holder of the patent. As the field of software is characterised by an endless race to improve on the work of one's competitors, which race is the main-spring of innovation in my industry, patents would plainly discourage innovation in the software industry. Even without patents, there is ample incentive for businesses to pursue research and to innovate: I have discussed the `first to market' advantage above, and the natural and general advantages of having a superior product may be added to this; we do not need to hobble our industry to add a doubtful and unreliable extra incentive on top of those which arise naturally. Consequently, while I can see a whole horde of costs attendant on patents, at least when they are applied to software, I can see no benefit to the public, at large, save some speculative chimerae. One might yet argue that, since the most powerful economy on the planet has adopted this folly, we should follow in their footsteps. However, Europe is rapidly on the way to displacing the U.S.A. as the most powerful economy: and may be expected to make even faster progress, as their software industry falls into disrepair under the litigious burdens of their folly, while ours finds its feet - as a visit to Cambridge will plainly show you. Let Europe's innovators but have the chance to compete with one another for the European market (and, doubtless, impede the American industry further by taking out patents in their jurisdiction) and we shall soon enough become a power to be reckoned with - and a major source of tax revenues to the governments of Europe. We shall fare better in a free market than in one burdened with patents - the last vestige of mediaeval protectionism. I urge you to reject the proposal for software patents. Yours faithfully, Edward Welbourne. --