In July 2006 I realized that I could sensibly extend the thoughts of the
momentsection of my web-site to include a
diary-style what have I been working on lately category of entries. I'm
perfectly happy if this doesn't qualify the result as a blog, but it might
conceivably be useful to this site's visitors as a way to notice what's
changing. I shalln't include, in this, bits that belong in
the thoughts of the moment section in their own right: just
the material changes elsewhere in the site. This page is now a fossil:
see its successor for more recent updates. For
contemporary thoughts of the moment, see the relevant
part of the thoughts of the moment page.
description of a fast way to compute Fibonacci numbers; hopefully illustrative
of some of the issues relevant to general performance considerations in
On 2006 August 18th I agreed to pay 2.05 million
Norwegian Kroner (M NOK) for a
modest flat in lower Torshov, Oslo. Two months later I took vacant
posession and began moving: on hallowe'en Flyttegutta helped me move the bulk of
my posessions in; and I had enough book-cases assembled, within a fortnight, to
be able to unpack my books, thereby liberating enough space to have the option
of asking furniture sellers to deliver, 'though I've yet (Nov 19) to actually
order the furniture I've chosen. All this activity has disrupted my normal
meddling with this web-site; and shall probably continue to do so until
mid-winter disrupts even more. (Post script: the last of my furniture arrived
in early January, 2007.)
In August, I got it
into my head to make at least some of my
pages pass the W3C's validation tests.
It's been an instructive exercise, but don't expect old pages to catch up !
I'll fix what I'm playing with as I go along, but that's all. By early
September, I had about sixteen valid pages (including most of my eight XHTML
pages, since these were already almost valid, thanks to the browser directing my
attention to most defects long before the validator was involved).
Assorted refinements to my specifications for ways to write
mathematics; some needed in support of the parser work (see below), others just
struck me while I was doing that.
After several attempts (it's just too easy to make mistakes) at verifying the Kerr-Newman solution to the
Einstein-Maxwell free-field equations, I decided it was time to write a program
to work out the details for me; it may be a while before this is even remotely
useful and even then it'll certainly be a while before it does (even most of)
what I really want out of it. I have to start by writing an adequate parser for
my own notation for mathematics – that'll teach me to innovate…
As part of my on-going
program to learn how to use SVG better, I'm trying to construct an animated
image of the standard RGB colour cube. This'll be an on-going project.