Since I didn't write any thoughts of the moment
pages (my nearest
approximation to blogging) for a few years, I also neglected to record what else
was changing on my web-site. So here's what I learned when I looked at
my git logs.
Life goes on and I eventually get a new job, though I neglected and later lost another precious friendship along the way.
I reworked a page about the moving around I do when enjoying a band (that some folk consider to be dancing).
I expanded my account of my experiences with a neurochemical's regulatory mechanism failing. This prompted me to gather it and a few other pages from elsewhere into an autobiographic branch of this web-site.
A look at how the image of {naturals} in any ringlet
equips us to recognise how much of the ringlet is real
and a sketch of
how to then study the rest of the ringlet in terms of that, to generalise the
notion of conjugation that arises for complex and quaternion.
I had specified how they should work, so it was time to show the specification did what we expect of it.
Showed that there can be no more than the ones classical antiquity knew about.
Similar enough to Fibonacci's that a similar trick had to work for it…
I'd read Anathem, by Neal Stephenson, so had fun making sense of a proof exhibited there.
Repeated multiplication gives us power; scaling and adding the resulting functions gives us polynomials that let ringlets beget ringlets and rings beget rings.
Used to define a statistic that illuminates a distribution; related this to the thermodynamics of solids.
Extended my study of the thermodynamics of a simple solid to include distribution of quanta among modes and the heat capacity.
The consequences of arithmetic playing nicely
with less than
and greater than
as orderings.
Minor style fixes, restructuring and rephrasing to bring out the main story from the details.
A general treatment of mappings that respect mathematical structures.
Should angles be treated as dimensionless ?
Continued my reworking of arithmetic and notation; reorganised the pages between directories. Contrasted binary operator, bulk action and a translation-like representation as three faces of a common topic. Focussed on the flat and the categoric. Subsequently purged lots of material elsewhere made redundant by the new treatment.
It, along with temperature, depends on size. Looked at the possibility that quantum effects could stop very small black holes from finishing their evaporation.
I watched a tragedy play out and had more bad news heaped on with it, losing a nice job and ending the year severely depressed. None the less, I pressed on with my new treatment of arithmetic.
Separated out an important use of the natural numbers from the discussion of what it means to be finite.
Mappings from a natural number, the concatenation they support, prefixes and suffixes. The notation for them also got a new home.
A look at the things that happen when you can combine values, don't care about their order and can cancel matching parts from the sides of an equation. This ends up simplifying the treatment of ringlets, among other things. It also opens the door to modules over ringlets (and thus vector spaces over a field).
I got a new job, turned 50, got head-hunted into another new job and ran into some appalingly bad news. Yet somehow I managed to begin a major re-working of how I treat arithmetic, though I did slow down.
The details of constructing a pentagon and pentagram.
Inducing ratios of whole numbers by reversing repetition.
Abstractions that allow a generalised description of arithmetic, notably proving results about prime factorisation.
I used repetition to specify arithmetic on the natural numbers.
I found a better way to express sin and cos of multiples of an angle in terms of those of the base angle.
The end of a job left me with lots of free time on my hands, so I changed quite a lot. Then I got distracted by Illyriad.
The shape of a chain hanging freely between two fixed end-points.
Revised my treatment of splitting a distribution at values which sub-divide probability evenly.
Using the chart notion from smooth manifolds to take a different look at how we describe the year's cycle in terms of seasons.
It's now available on github for all to play with, under the FSF's GPL.
A way of analysing linear maps to get a clearer understanding of how they behave.
The generalisations of Pythagorean sums of squares.
How to extract information from statistical data with more than one variable being discussed and possibly messy correlations among them.
I expanded and elaborated my older discussion of ways to get out of a gravity-well with less violence than the orthodox solution.
Lots of pages are now in XHTML, mostly so that I can use custom character entities, instead of plain HTML.
Illustrated Bayesian reasoning with tossing a coin whose bias is unknown.
A few things that are obvious yet get treated as noteworthy.
A look at how attempts to do social science run into the impossibility of truly isolated systems, when some components are social animals.
A major over-haul of how I describe binary operators – and thus arithmetic.
Clarified explanation of the algebraic completion of the real continuum. Needed for the Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics.
How to divide up the range of a sample of data to get a clear idea of how the data are distributed.
Split it out from analysis of the Lorenz transformation, made both more coherent. Also reworked constant acceleration.
An ill-informed exploration of how to do something like sub-modules in the version control system I use.
Carved up the specification of my notation into several files. Reverted a foolish conflation of end-relations into restrictions.
An attempt at characterisng a core of entities I expect any foundation to allow my abstraction over foundations to work with.
A reworked account of the numbers we use for counting, along with the positional numeral notation we use to represent them.
The beginings of a re-working of the foundations of arithmetic; and a lot of digressions and maintenance.
The probability of a random variate being more than u standard deviations from its mean is never more than 1/u/u.
Turned the pigeonhole principle into a partial ordering on collections and used this to characterise finiteness.
Made an on-going project of caricaturing me using DnD and gave some thought to what spells this imaginary creature would learn.
Studied the shapes one gets when a plane intersects a cone.
Wrote up my first-hand view of a demonstration (in 1994) whose handling by the UK police looked suspiciously like they wanted a riot.
Expanded on an earlier discourse, now applying some of the tools I've built up on other pages.
Began another attempt at describing this multiplication on vector quantities.
A look at interpreting Lagrange/Hamilton optimisation techniques on a smooth manifold, where position isn't a vector quantity.
Started an area for notes on a big fat book I've made
too little progress on reading, Gravitation
(one of the definitive text
books on the topic).
Noticed a project I should attempt – explaining how some topics in mathematics are commonly taught in confusing ways that make them more confusing than they need to be – but have actually made little progress with it since.
Continuation of earlier work on operators, on a smooth manifold's tensor bundles, obeying the product rule; this entailed reworking of the trace operator, explaining the Lie Bracket and proving some things about permutations.